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Tips for Downsizing and Decluttering Before Your Move to Saudi Arabia

You waited long enough for the dream job opportunity in Saudi Arabia, and it is now finally fulfilled. You have received your offer letter, and the joining date and the package offered to you have been more than you were expecting. Everybody in your family is happy, and all of you are excited to finally move to your dream destination.

But amidst all this excitement now comes the real part, and that is planning your upcoming relocation to the country. For planning a relocation, all moving companies in Saudi Arabia suggest that the sooner you begin, the better. A relocation to a foreign country involves a lot of steps, and one of the key steps to achieving a smooth international relocation is purging or downsizing. In this blog, one of the oldest international movers in Saudi Arabia, Kingdom International Movers, will take you through some important tips that will help you downsize and declutter your home before you move to the country.

Don’t forget to read things to know about Riyadh before moving there, to get detailed insights into the marvelous city.

Go Room By Room

One of the most common mistakes people make when they begin decluttering is to start all at once. They will open their closets and then suddenly go to the dressing table within their bedroom and remove everything at once. And even before the closet and dresser are addressed, suddenly there will be a pile of kids’ toys to take care of.

This is a very wrong approach to decluttering, and it will increase your anxiety and stress related to moving rather than reduce it. To combat this, most moving companies in Saudi Arabia suggest that you go section by section and room by room. By doing these, you will spare yourself from all the mess and extra clutter and finish decluttering in no time. You can even hire movers you can trust to help you with the decluttering process. Professional movers, such as Kingdom International Movers, have the experience and expertise to handle all decluttering errands with ease and efficiency.

Consider the Climate of Saudi Arabia

When moving abroad, you have to give deliberate consideration to the baggage allowance and the number of items you can ship. Even the most trusted international movers in Saudi Arabia suggest to their clients that they ship only the extremely necessary things. That is why climate consideration is very important before you start decluttering. All your winter blankets, sweaters, and coats won’t be needed that much in the country. So you can very well donate these goods to someone in need, give them to your family, or simply store them at a storage facility if getting rid of them is difficult for you. Kingdom International Movers has an entire blog dedicated to how to use a storage facility for decluttering your home. Give it a read to get detailed insights on how to use a storage facility.

Similarly, you can leave behind your shorts and other tight or revealing dresses back home; as Saudi Arabia is a modest country, you won’t have a lot of opportunities here to wear such clothing. And even when there isn’t a problem for locals for you to wear shorts, wearing shorts or strappy dresses in high heat with the scorching sun isn’t a good idea.

Go Through your Bathroom

Tossable items like dirty towels, partially used toiletries, beauty supplies, and expired pharmaceuticals frequently gather in the bathroom. Movers in Riyadh suggest that you look under the sink, in your drawers, on your shelves, and in your medicine cabinet. Throw away anything that is nearly empty, dried out, or expired. Although cosmetics like eyeliner may not be printed with an expiration date, they nevertheless have a shelf life and can harbor dangerous microorganisms. Throw away any outdated or dubious materials you uncover.

Any unopened hotel or travel-size toiletries should be donated. Unopened containers are accepted by a lot of shelters and charities, which then provide them to people in need. Here is a list of five additional things to leave behind when moving internationally.

Go Through your Linen Closets

Now that you are finally moving to a new country, take advantage of the chance to get rid of all the old linens, like worn-out towels, mismatched sheet sets, discolored pillows, and comforters. Packers and movers in Saudi Arabia suggest that these are some of the items people love hoarding, but it is wiser to get rid of them as moving them doesn’t make any sense. Many of these can be used as packaging materials. Towels can be utilized to cushion breakables in boxes, and covering your wood table with an old comforter rather than a moving quilt is frequently a preferable option. When you have finished unpacking your new house, you can donate the linens.

Keep Your Emotions Out

Your possessions can easily cause you to become emotional. These things were previously valuable enough for you to bring them into your house, after all. Eliminating them may seem unnecessary or depressing.

Movers and Packers Riyadh advise that it’s crucial to avoid getting overly nostalgic and emotional about your stuff. The odd walk down memory lane can be enjoyable, but it serves as a diversion from the current activity of decluttering. Additionally, it could prevent you from getting rid of things that are no longer necessary or aren’t necessarily worth taking up space in your new house. Read our blog on 5 tips for preparing to relocate overseas. This blog will enrich you with the necessary data for international relocation.

Concluding Lines

Naturally, some clutter needs to be thrown away. Some objects might be recyclable, while others can be disposed of in the regular trash. It can be necessary to have large or bulky objects removed by a junk removal business, a bulk trash pickup service, or even taken to the municipal landfill.

If you’re about to move, downsizing should be at the top of your priority list. By getting rid of needless clutter, you’ll have less to pack and move, which will lower the cost of movers, packing materials, and even moving vehicles. Additionally, having less to unpack when you get there will make it easier for you to start over in your new home.

Contact the team Kingdom International Movers to get your free moving quote today.

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