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Essential Cleaning Checklist for Moving Out of Your Home

It’s always a good idea to plan ahead of time to leave your previous location in top condition, regardless of whether this is your first time moving out of a house or apartment or you are an experienced relocation pro. In this process, the apartment moving checklist shared by Kingdom International Movers in this blog will make your task simple and hassle-free.

Why should you clean your old house before moving out?

Whether you have been renting or selling, it will be beneficial to leave your previous abode tidy and in good shape, particularly if you want to get your security deposit back or sell your house quickly.

Many international movers in Saudi Arabia suggest that sometimes moving out of an apartment or dorm might cause more trauma than moving in. In addition to packing and scheduling delivery of your goods to your new location, you also need to worry about receiving your security deposit reimbursed and possibly hiring a cleaning service. To regain every penny you put down, you and your roommates or family members will need to make sure every corner of your home is spotless or hire a move-out cleaning service. All you have to do for this is stick to the cleaning checklist that we have provided below. Also, if you are in a hurry and don’t have enough time, go through our packing tips, which will save you time.

Kitchen Cleaning Checklist at a Glimpse

Packers and movers in Saudi Arabia say that everyone’s first cleaning priority when moving out is the kitchen. At Kingdom International Movers, we suggest starting in the kitchen a few days before your move-out date, depending on the size of the space, as this is often one of the most time-consuming parts of the process. It’s also a great excuse to order takeout or eat out for a few days!

  • Therefore, have a look at these points if you are seeking a comprehensive kitchen cleaning checklist for moving to a new home:

Drawers and cabinets

Start by packing and emptying all of the items in your kitchen’s drawers and cabinets. Next, wipe off the cabinet doors and drawer pulls, as well as the interior and exterior surfaces, using a towel and disinfectant spray!

  • Appliances

Make sure to fix any broken appliances so you won’t be charged for them, and then give them a thorough cleaning. Clean the microwave’s interior, the oven entirely, and the cooktop of all oil and grime. Don’t forget about the drip pans; baking soda and warm water are your best friends in cleaning them. Also, don’t ignore cleaning your dishwasher; you can use a cleaning solution to clean it entirely. Along with giving the refrigerator and freezer a thorough cleaning, you should also remove the drawers and shelves. By cleaning your appliances, if they are not new, you can at least make them look good and welcoming for any new renters or buyers. You can inquire about cleaning companies with moving companies in Saudi Arabia if you don’t have enough time to clean all the appliances yourself.

  • Counters

Counters in your kitchen are equally important. Clean them thoroughly to get rid of stains, scratches, and scuffs, and wipe down every countertop with an all-purpose cleaner and disinfectant. Stains and scratches are some of the minor challenges that you may face while relocating. You can efficiently deal with moving challenges when moving to Saudi Arabia by hiring a reputable mover such as Kingdom International Movers.

Bathroom Cleaning Checklist at a Glimpse

Ask any moving company in Riyadh, and they will say that the next task on the move-out cleaning checklist should be the bathroom. It will take a little more work because it is a space that probably isn’t cleaned as often as it should be. Here is a simple process to clean your bathroom thoroughly.

  • Cabinets

As we discussed above, similar to the kitchen, you will start the cleaning process by taking the contents out of and washing the bathroom cabinets. You can even wipe the areas that are hard to reach behind cabinets.

  • Toilet

Cleaning the toilet is a necessary yet unpleasant task for someone. Verify that everything functions properly and that the toilet bowl and seat have been completely cleaned. If you move frequently, you may not like to do this job. However, you can read about some lifesaving moving tips in our blog section that will help you immensely.

  • Plumbing

Movers and packers Riyadh suggests that ensuring plumbing systems work well is another important task in your move-out process. Verify that the drains in the sink and shower are not clogged. If there are any obstacles, you must either remove them yourself or engage a plumber.

Also read our blog titled “How to Unpack and Organize Your Belongings After a Move: Best Practices for Settling In.”

Wall Cleaning Checklist at a Glimpse

  • Fill up Holes and Scratches

Most movers in Riyadh say that what landlords hate the most are holes and scratches on walls. You can fill up all the holes and scratches with the help of putty or white cement, or even engage a professional to do the task on your behalf.

  • Remove Wallpapers

Many renters do renter-friendly makeovers these days. Talk to your landlord if they want to retain your modifications or if they want to remove the wallpaper or any other changes you may have made to the walls of your apartment.

Floor Cleaning Checklist at a Glimpse

The floors should be the last item on your move-out cleaning checklist after you have finished cleaning everything else. If your floors are carpeted, start by vacuuming the center of the floor and work your way outward using the attachment. If the flooring in your home is tile, vinyl, or wood, be sure to brush, clean, and sweep every area thoroughly several times before mopping.

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