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Downsizing Your Home: How To Decide What Stays And What Goes

The events of the past few years have shown us that there is nothing more important than our health. As a result of it, many people are now moving to new places by taking advantage of work-from-home opportunities. Many people are simply shifting to smaller places to save more and retire earlier. Whatever may be your reason for moving and downsizing, if downsizing makes you anxious and worried, then Kingdom International Movers has a solution for you.

Kingdom International Movers is one of the top ten packers and movers in Saudi Arabia. We are professional packers and movers who do local as well as international relocations.

Downsizing may cause jitters in you, and it is natural to feel this way. After all, we do not shift to new places now and then. Moving to a new place and downsizing are rare occasions in our lives. Read this article in-depth to learn how to downsize your home without stress.

Beginning As Early As Possible

When it comes to moving, sooner is better. The sooner you start, the easier it will be to downsize because you can start organizing well in advance, which will help with decluttering and downsizing at the end. The house, which you have built with love and accumulated all the stuff over the years, needs a lot of love and proper planning before you bid a final adieu to it. Generally, it is recommended that you begin decluttering at least 3 months in advance.

When you decide to hire movers and packers in Riyadh, then you can easily ask for a quotation. If your house is already downsized, you will get a better deal. The moving company in Riyadh will give you a higher quotation after seeing all the stuff.

One Room At A Time Is The Key

While we are downsizing our homes, we often get overwhelmed and end up doing several rooms at a time. This will lead to more chaos and will make you feel worn out. To avoid such chaos, begin downsizing one room at a time. If you start with the kitchen and then completely downsize the kitchen, don’t look at the living room at that time. By doing this, you will have more control of what you want to keep and what you don’t want to keep. Most movers in Riyadh will also suggest going with this method of decluttering one room at a time.

Consider Your New Lifestyle

When you start decluttering and downsizing your home, don’t just get rid of stuff because minimalism is in vogue. Sit back and assess what your lifestyle is like. Think of your new place and all the things you will need there, and then decide what you want to keep and what you want to let go of. Don’t let the burden of anything pressurize you into giving up something which you have so lovingly purchased for yourself. Many times, social media influencers post content describing how they live with just a toothbrush and a few pairs of clothes. The reality of such social media influencers is far from the truth. They show something different on camera, while their real lives are much different in actuality. When you hire any house shifting services in Riyadh, they too will offer you similar advice.

Setting Rules for Decluttering

We must keep things we need and love, but at the same time, we should not tie our sentiments with things we possess. In the end, the pieces of furniture, no matter how much we like them and love them, are non-living beings and must be treated like non-living things.

Set rules for your decluttering. You can set rules like: clothes which you haven’t worn for the last six months, you will declutter them. Then cooking pots which you don’t regularly use but have just bought because they are cute, you will get rid of them too. Similarly, go through everything in your house and set ground rules for your decluttering. If you reside in Riyadh and are looking for home relocation services in Riyadh, then Kingdom International Movers is the best choice for you.

You can also set rules and segregate your belongings into four categories, such as donate, sell, keep, and trash/recycle.

Go Digital And Digitize Sentimental Items

We all have sweet notes from our childhood friends and our crushes about different things. There are crafts projects kids have made and then there are, cute drawings from your childhood as well as your kids’ childhood. We possess greeting cards, school handbooks, and much other such stuff. While these things hold an extremely close place in your heart, at the same time they make a lot of clutter too, and most probably you browse this stuff hardly once or twice a year. So, rather than letting them occupy your space, you can scan them and preserve them digitally. Before you plan your house shift to Riyadh or in any part of Saudi, preserve all the valuable notes and greetings digitally. This way you won’t lose things and will also declutter your stuff, plus this activity can be made a fun family event, and you all can bond together at it.

Decide What’s Important And What Is Not

The old charger cables and old cell phones you hoard because you do not know what to do with them form a lot of clutter in your house. Similarly, there are many things you can accumulate over the years. Deciding what is to be kept and what is to be let go gets quite tough, especially if you love clinging to different things. One easy rule for it is to write on a paper how many times that thing has been used in the last one month and six months. If your answer is less than 3 times then there is a chance you do not need to own it, so it is an easy cue for you to either donate it or sell it. Most home movers in Riyadh suggest that the more things you get rid of, the better it is to move your house and relocate it to a new destination.

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