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5 Tips to Make Your International Relocation Budget-Friendly

Are you planning on expanding your career by moving overseas? If yes, that’s a great thing to consider. Especially when all the statistics suggest that the Saudi Arabian economy is predicted to boom in the coming years, moving to the country is one of the best decisions you will be making for your career.

In one of the recent surveys conducted by a top research university, it was revealed that almost 90% of expats who move to Saudi Arabia end up achieving their career goals and aspirations. However, when it comes to wrapping your bags and moving to a completely new country, can bring in a lot of emotions and financial expenses as well. As much as we love exploring new cities, trying new food, and working on our dream goals, we equally hate spending money on the logistics of our move. In this blog, Kingdom International Movers, which is one of the top movers in Riyadh, will take you through a detailed guide of tips that will make your international relocation budget-friendly. So read the entire blog without missing any point.

Also, read our blog titled “5 Tips on How to Pack Kitchen and Utility”.

1. Buy Your Flight Tickets at The Right Time

You should wait to buy your flight tickets until you know your moving date, in contrast to when you make other relocation-related reservations. Even though it may seem like the right thing to do, buying flight tickets too early can result in significantly higher costs. Similarly, making your flight booking at the eleventh hour can be extremely costly as well. That is why some of the top international movers in Saudi Arabia, like Kingdom International Movers, advise that you make your flight bookings at the right time, i.e., not too early or too late. This way, you can make considerable savings on your flying tickets.

You can also try to fly during off-peak days and off-season. Flight tickets are at their lowest these days, and you can save almost 50% on your flight tickets. The last weeks of January and two to three weeks after festivals like Christmas and Ramadan are generally considered off-season. You can fly during this period and even get a few glimpses of the festivities that just passed.

Related read: “7 Mistakes to Avoid When Hiring a Relocation Company”.

2. Manage Your Finances In Advance

Relocating abroad won’t necessarily make things easier on your financial end. You will need to put in more effort to organize your finances so that you aren’t left without money when you least expect it. Most packers and movers in Saudi Arabia advise discussing your international move with your bank or other financial institution. To avoid having your bank account reported as “stolen” or having “suspicious account activity” when you make purchases in your new country, you will also need to give your bank your new address and inform them about your relocation. If you have any loans, then you will have to either clear them or talk to the institutes about your relocation and work on a plan with them.

Also, read our guidelines on successful relocation to Saudi Arabia.

3. Buy Insurance

Although it is an additional expense, having moving insurance can prevent thousands of dollars in losses should your possessions be damaged in any way during transit. Most moving companies in Saudi Arabia advise getting moving insurance to protect your possessions, particularly costly stuff like jewelry, artwork, and gadgets. To secure your vehicles during transportation, think about getting specialized shipping insurance.

Remember to compare quotes from several providers for your moving insurance. Although your ocean freight shipping firm might issue a policy, third-party moving insurance frequently offers far more extensive coverage. Inform your insurance company that you are relocating abroad and get advice on the type of moving insurance you should get to protect your belongings throughout transportation by vehicle, truck, boat, airplane, etc. if you buy a full-service package from Kingdom International Movers for your international relocation, then, in most cases, moving insurance is part of it.

Also, read our blog titled “what to expect from best movers in Saudi Arabia”.

4. Plan Ahead of Time

Procrastination is something that severely hurts us, and especially when it comes to moving abroad, procrastinating will do no good to you. If you plan early, you will have plenty of time to deal with minor hiccups without having to worry about paying more for services rendered at the last minute or delaying your planned relocation date.

Plan your relocation at least three to four months ahead of time. To manage all of your notes and tasks as you go, create a Google Doc or file. To break up your relocation into smaller tasks and lists, use management tools. With the help of modern tools, you can make thorough arrangements for your relocation and get a comprehensive overview of the whole undertaking. Because you won’t be kept waiting, planning will also help you secure better, more affordable deals with shipping companies, forwarders, and flights. When you plan early and hire a moving company in Riyadh in time, with their assistance, you can make a smooth relocation plan without worrying about anything.

5. Don’t Pack Everything That You Own

Keep in mind that the less stuff you move overseas, the less money you will be spending on your relocation. Furthermore, the things you decide to part with may give you a chance to earn money. To earn extra money for your move, you can list items, including furniture or memorabilia, on Craigslist, hold a garage sale, or sell items to antique or secondhand stores. To collect the most money possible from the sale of your used items, don’t forget to promote your garage sale online and in the newspaper.

You can give yourself a fresh start with fewer items and less clutter in your new house, in addition to saving money because you won’t have as many items to move. This is one of the most commonly used tips by movers and packers in Riyadh to help clients save money.

For more details and to get a moving quote, get in touch with Kingdom International Movers.

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